Operating Sessions

There will be several layouts open to guest operators during convention. The
layouts are described below. There are a total of 41 operating slots available. .
For convention attendees interested in operating sessions, please read the
descriptions then use the link below to register your interest in specific operating
sessions. Some of operating layouts may be open during the layout tours, see the
layout tours for more details.


To sign up for the operating sessions, click here:


Paul Deis – SP Santa Margarita Sub, 5 operators – Paso Robles

Thursday, March 27 – 1-5 PM

It is early in the 1950’s on the California Central Coast. The Southern Pacific is moving a lot of freight up and down the Coast Line. Passengers are still riding the rails. First generation diesel locomotives are starting to push the steam locomotives to the scrapper’s torch. On the Santa Margarita Sub we will working freight and passenger trains from San Luis Obispo to San Miguel California.

We will be working under Timetable, Train Order authority. We will keep a handle on our work with Car Cards and Waybills.

Layout includes the towns of Grover, Edna, San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita, Templeton, Paso Robles and San Miguel on two levels. Staging representing Santa Barbara and Watsonville are located on additional levels above and below. Helpers may be required over Cuesta.

Control is NCE radio throttles.

1 Yardmaster

1 Yard Switcher

4 Road crews

1 Dispatcher

Scenery is 80%. Operations are at a relaxed pace.

Video of the layout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HHRM3cYT0A

Miles from convention31
Number of Operators5
Dispatching Method
San Luis Obispo Yard O

CCMR – SP around San Luis Obispo (HO), 6 operators – San Luis Obispo
Friday, March 28 – 1-5 PM

We are still refining operations since the Museum’s first priority was getting the model railroad display up and running for the public. We do not yet have the branch lines available nor full signaling in place.  The layout is a loop to loop with about 500 feet of run.  It is centered on the yard at San Luis Obispo which was a division point at the early 1950s when we operate (transition steam to diesel) and runs from Paso Robles to Surf covering major portions of the Santa Margarita and the Guadalupe subdivisions.  Our scenes include seven communities for local switching and the helper district from San Luis Obispo up Cuesta to Santa Margarita including the Stenner Creek Trestle.  Scenery is all roughed in and about 2/3rds complete.

At the current time we have space for six guest operators: two for yard switching positions, two for running first class trains and two for freight  with extensive local switching.  If moving SP west up Cuesta, helpers are often required. We expect to change these positions about mid-session.  We use Digitrax control systems and all locomotives are sound equipped.

The first half hour will be getting everyone acquainted with the SP coast line and our operating procedures.

Miles from convention2.3
Number of Operators
Dispatching MethodOral

Oceano Depot Modular, 6 operators per session

Thursday, March 27, 2024 – 12-5 PM

Friday, March 28, 2024 – 12-5 PM

Saturday, March 29, 2024 – 12-5 PM

Located in the historic 1904 Southern Pacific Oceano Depot, this is an early ’50’s era freelanced modular layout. The layout is in the freight room of the Depot and there is no temperature control.
HO Scale with Digitrax control, the layout can accommodate 6 operators (4 yard switchers, a conductor, and a mainline train operator). The entire layout is operated within yard limits so there is no dispatcher. Car control is by switch lists instead of car cards and waybills

Sessions will last about 2-3 hours.

Miles from convention14.5
Number of Operators
Dispatching MethodYard Limits

Free-mo Layout, 4operators per session – Embassy Suites

Friday, March 28 @ 6 PM

Friday, March 28 @ 7 PM

Friday, March 28 @ 8 PM

Layout Description: Free-mo for the 2025 PCR in SLO

Free-mo is not a conventional module layout, it is not a sectional layout. Free-mo is a free form layout. Each members is free to model what they want within some basic parameters and standards. The layout we are putting together for the 2025 PCR in SLO has members coming from the local area as well as the greater bay area and the LA area. We are setting up 180 plus linear feet of layout. The layout will feature a 29 foot model of the West End of Watsonville Junction at one end and a 12 foot model of the SLO yard at the other end. There will be three branches off the main line between the two. Switching operations will be with small local freight trains running out of Watsonville Junction and SLO onto the branches as well as a turn from Watsonville to SLO and back. Trains will be made up and broken down in Watsonville junction.

Control is via Digitrax.

  • 1 Yardmaster
  • 3 Road Crews
  • The layout is Point to Points, no loop or balloon track.

Operations. The way I see this working is very light and easy. Running trains of 3 to 5 cars, we might add another 1 to 5 extra cars are just to “get in the way”.

Operations Watsonville Junction. The Yardmaster and crew will be making up the trains for the layout. They will also have icing operation in the SLO yard. The need to make and break down 4 different trains. 

  1. Watsonville Yard Job. Crew will be making up the trains for the layout. They will also have icing operation in the SLO yard. The need to make and break down 4 different trains. Setting the trains out on the Arrival Departure track and the East and or West Main. Returning Trains will leave their cars in one of these tracks.
  2. SLO Turn. Out of Watsonville, runs a set of cars to SLO and pickup a cut there and bring it back Watsonville. No Switching. This cut of cars will then become the SLO Local. 
  3. SLO Local, will work SLO and the Cucamonga branch. Builds the return train for the SLO Turn.
  4. Hollywood Local. Out of Watsonville, this train will work the Rapid Set branch and North Hollywood.
  5. Murdock Local. Out of Watsonville, will work the Murdock branch. 

As for sessions, there will be 3 separate 1 hour sessions, 6, 7, and 8, four operators in each session. Our goal is for the jobs to last for 30 to 60 minutes, mall short switching sessions.

Miles from convention0
Number of Operators4
Dispatching Method

Register for the Convention

Registration is now open for the 2025 PCR Convention. Click on the button to register.