The Mission is located at 751 Palm St, San Luis Obispo, about 2.5 miles from the convention hotel. The Museum and Gift Shop are open 11am to 4pm. Docent led tours of the Mission are given at 1:15pm.
The following information was taken from the Mission’s official web page https://missionsanluisobispo.org/visit/
The Mission museum is adjacent to the gift shop. Both are housed in the original Convento Wing, which was once the residential quarters of the Franciscan priests and friars who served the community. The museum holds a collection of artifacts, including Native Californian, Mission Era, and American settlement. Unlike other California missions, the doors of Mission San Luis Obispo are open to all every day of the year. The Museum and Gift Shop hours are open from 11am to 4:30pm. The Museum depends on donations, but there is no charge for admission. You may visit and return as often as you wish. Help keep their doors open.

Docents give tours at 1:15pm every day but Sunday. [Sunday tour is at 2pm]. The guided tour begins at the Mission Plaza doors in front of the gift shop. The tour includes how the Mission was built in stages over many years, who is buried in the floors of the church and the story behind the centuries-old art that still hangs from the adobe walls.
A good place to begin your visit is at the Old Mission Gift Shop, just steps above Mission Plaza. You will discover an eclectic mix of crafts, jewelry, art and books. You will also find a friendly staff willing to help you and answer any questions. All proceeds from the gift shop help maintain the historic Mission buildings and support its continuing ministry.
The gardens are an integral part of the Mission campus. They have grown and evolved over the centuries. The vine is a reminder of the vineyards that once stretched for acres. Over time, both pastors and guests have added cacti, succulents, roses, oaks and citrus trees. Find a bench, bring a book, rest. The Mission gardens are for your enjoyment.