A Celebration of Models, Photos, and Crafts
While the event is called a contest, many consider it a way to share their modeling with others. It is an opportunity for you to get some feedback from other modelers and to improve your own modeling. If you score well you will be on your way to an AP certificate.

Contest Room Schedule
Thursday, March 27 | Open 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM |
Friday, March 28 | Open 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM |
Saturday, March 29 | Closed from 9:00 AM until contest judging completed. |
Saturday March 29 | Open approximately 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM for contest entry pick-up once judging is completed. |
Volunteers and Contest Judges Needed!

Volunteers are needed to judge and staff the Contest Room. No experience needed. For judging, we will train you and pair you with an experienced model contest judge. Judging earns two-time units towards the AP Association Volunteer Certificate. Contact the Contests Chair, Paul Deis, to assist with this very important function.
Entering Models
For the judged contests it is best to fill out the forms in advance. The forms that you need are on the PCR website (click here). It is important to use the forms well to communicate with the judges. You want them to know what you did to produce the model. Here are two excellent guides on how to use the forms well:
Model Contest Entry Form Hints and Tips, by Jack Burgess, MMR
Getting the Most From Your Contest Entry, by Jim Tangney, MMR

You will fill out a Contest Entry Form and a Judges Scoring Sheet for each contest entry. Bring the two forms along with the contest entry to the Convention and present them at the Contest Registration Desk, where your entry will be assigned an entry number and entered into the appropriate contest category.
The Model Contest
- An entrant in the model contest must be a member of the NMRA in good standing.
- Commercial model builders may not enter model contests.
- Entries that have won First Place in a PCR or other NMRA contest may not be entered again.
The Model Contest includes five 5 classes:
- Open: Anyone meeting the requirements above may enter the Open class.
- Kit: Anyone meeting the requirements above may enter the Kit class if the model is kit-built, kit-bashed, or cross-kitted. A kit entry is generally defined as one built using components, packaged together for commercial sale, although the entrant may modify or supplement such components.
- Novice: Anyone meeting the requirements above and has not previously been awarded: (a) more than 87.5 points in the contest category being entered, (b) more than 100 points in any model contest category, (c) model contest Best of Show may enter the Novice class.
- Teen: Anyone 13 through 17 years old may enter the Teen class.
- Youth: Anyone under 13 years old may enter the Youth class.
Models may be submitted for judging in the following regular contest categories:
- Steam locomotive: All types of steam locomotives. Entries must be powered.
- Diesel and Other Locomotives: All locomotives except steam or traction, including heavy electric locomotives. Entries must be powered; multiple-unit entries must have at least one unit powered.
- Passenger car: All types of cars in passenger service other than cabooses, traction or maintenance of way.
- Freight car: All types of revenue freight cars, including express and company service cars other than M of W.
- Caboose: All types of cabooses, including M of W.
- Maintenance of Way: All types of non-revenue equipment not included in categories 3-5 above, all types of trackwork, all types of non-revenue railroad off-track vehicles.
- Structures: All structures, other than trackwork, without significant scenery. Scenery, if any, is not judged.
- Displays: All dioramas or groups of models displayed with significant scenery.
- Traction and Self-Propelled Cars: Self-propelled cars, and all models of electrically powered equipment except heavy electric. Models must be powered; multiple-unit entries must have at least one unit powered.
Entrants may indicate if they wish to be judged in kit-built, scratch-built, novice, teen (13 to 17 year old) or youth (under 13 year old) subclasses.
Required Forms
To enter the Model Contest, entrants must complete a separate PCR Model Contest Entry Form Cover Sheet for every model submitted.
These forms will be collected in the Contest Log Book in chronological order with the Contest Claim Check attached. Entrants will be required to sign the claim check at the time the model is returned to them in good order at the end of the contest. Proxy entries will be accepted.
For any contest model to be formally judged, the entrant must, at a minimum, complete and submit the model with either an Model Contest Entry Form – Open, Kit, & Novice OR Model Contest Entry Form – Youth, depending on which class is being entered. This form may be accompanied by supplemental information, plans, photographs, etc., that the entrant feels will help the judges appreciate the model.
Failure to provide a Model Contest Entry Form will result in the model not being formally judged as part of the Model Contest. In this case, the model can still be displayed as a Showcase (display) item that will be a candidate in the Popular Vote portion of the contest, along with any other models submitted for display only.
A plaque will be awarded for Best of Show, Levity, and Ingenuity. A plaque and blue ribbon will be awarded to first place winners in each category. Ribbons will be awarded for 2nd and 3rd place finishers. Honorable Mention Certificates will be awarded for models which score over 87.5 points, but do not place among the top three in any category.
NMRA Achievement Program
Models achieving 87.5 points or better will receive an Achievement Program Merit Award, regardless of how it places in the judging. Only NMRA members in good standing are eligible to receive AP Merit Awards.
Remember that some AP certificates require some qualifying models to receive a Merit Award. This is a perfect opportunity to complete those requirements. Go to the NMRA website to view the requirements. If you have questions about the NMRA Achievement Program, contact:
- Earl Girbovan, MMR, PCR Achievement Program Manager – [email protected]
Square Foot Challenge Contest
The popular Square Foot challenge is back! The rules for this category are simple:
- 1 foot square footprint – Entry can be of arbitrary shape as long as it has a footprint of 144 square inches. A rectilinear shape is preferred, with the smallest side being 4” or greater.- For odd shaped entries that are not readily measurable , it is up to the person entering to show that the entry is 144 sq in.
- Railroad themed
- Must contain a piece of rail
- No limit on height
Your entry can be whimsical or prototypical. This is a non-judged category, so no documentation is needed. A First Place plaque will be awarded to the entry receiving the most popular votes. Note that if you desire, the entry can be judged as part of the Display category, and this would require Contest entry paperwork.
This is the perfect opportunity to build that certain kit that’s been sitting in the back of your closet. You know the one I mean. Maybe you want to try something in a different scale or gauge. Or a new scenery technique. Here’s your chance! No judging, no paperwork, just your creativity.
Need additional inspiration? Go to YouTube and check out the huge variety of videos the military and other modelers from around the world have posted.
Module (Portable Layout) Contest
An entrant in the Module Contest must be a member the NMRA in good standing.
Commercial model builders may not enter module contest.
Entries that have won First Place in a PCR or NMRA contest may not be entered again.
Modules may be entered in one of two categories:
- Individual module
- Group Module
To distinguish modules from the above Diorama/Display category in the Model Contest, evidence should be submitted to show modules are capable of being connected to other similar modules as opposed to just being a demountable portion of a layout. Modules will be judged using the same criteria as used for judging the Diorama/Display category in the Model Contest.
Modules will be also eligible for the Popular Vote Contest.
Required Forms
To enter the Module (Portable Layout) Contest, entrants must complete a separate PCR Portable Layout/Module Contest Cover Sheet for each module submitted.
For any contest module to be formally judged, the entrant must, at a minimum, complete and submit the module with a PCR Portable Layout/Module Contest Entry Form. This form may be accompanied by supplemental information, plans, photographs, etc., that the entrant feels will help the judges appreciate the module.
Failure to provide the Portable Layout/Module Contest Entry Form will result in the module not being formally judged as part of the Module Contest. In this case, the module can still be displayed as a Showcase (display) item that will be a candidate in the Popular Vote portion of the contest, along with any other modules submitted for display only.
A plaque and blue ribbon will be awarded to first place winners in each category. Ribbons will be awarded for second and third place. Honorable Mention will be awarded for modules that score 87.5 points but do not finish in the top three.
Photo Contest
An entrant in the Photo Contest must be a member of the NMRA in good standing. Prototype and model railroad theme photographic prints only (no slides), sized and mounted according to PCR Photo Contest Judges and Participant Guide.
Commercial photographers may not enter the Photo Contest.
Entries that have won First Place in a PCR or other NMRA contest may not be entered again.
Maximum Entries
An entrant may enter a maximum of three prints in any one category and a maximum of six prints in total. The entrant must have exposed the original negative or digital image.
Photos may be entered for formal judging in the following categories:
- Model Black & White
- Model Color
- Prototype Black & White
- Trains in Action
- Track and Structures
- Working on the Railroad
- General Rail Subjects (distinguishable from the previous four categories)
- Display
An additional category is available for showcasing any print of any subject that the entrant does not wish to be formally judged. Prints in the latter category will still be eligible to participate in the Popular Vote Contest.
Required Forms
To enter the photo contest, entrants must complete a separate PCR Photo Contest Entry Form for each photo submitted.
A plaque will be awarded for Best in Show. Plaques and blue ribbons will be awarded to first place photographers in each category. Ribbons will be awarded for 2nd and 3rd place.
Arts & Crafts Contest
All registered convention attendees and accompanying family will be eligible to participate in the Arts & Crafts Contest. The contest categories will be:
- General (any non-needlework art & craft: e.g. painting, drawing, sculpture, woodcarving, photo montage, etc.)
- Kit Built (commercially available kit; includes plans/instructions and materials)
- Pattern (existing plans/instructions; entrant acquires materials separately)
- Original (entrant’s own design)
- Railroadiana
- Kit Built (same as General Kit Built, except entry must have a railroad motif)
- Pattern (same as General Pattern, except entry must have a railroad motif)
- Original (same as General Original, except entry must have a railroad motif)
- Needlework
- Kit Built (same as General Kit Built, except entry is type of needlework – e.g. knitting, embroidery, needlepoint, etc.)
- Pattern (same as General Pattern, except entry is type of needlework – e.g. knitting, embroidery, needlepoint, etc.)
- Original (same as General Original, except entry is type of needlework – e.g. knitting, embroidery, needlepoint, etc.)
Required Forms
To enter the Arts & Crafts Contest, entrants must complete a separate PCR Arts & Crafts Contest Entry Form for each entry submitted.
Awards shall be given for first, second and third place in each category and subcategory:
- General-original, General-pattern and General-kit
- Railroadiana-original, Railroadiana-pattern and Railroadiana-kit
- Needlework-original, Needlework-pattern and Needlework-kit
Popular Vote Contest
All registered convention attendees will receive a ballot form in their registration packet and will be eligible to participate in the Popular Vote Contest. All contest models, photographs, trains, craft items and Showcase display-only items are eligible for the popular vote and will be identified with a numbered tag for this purpose.
The ballot will allow individuals to vote for their favorites in each category:
- Model (including Modules)
- Photograph
- Train
- Arts & Crafts item
Modules will be considered to be models in the Popular Vote Contest.
Plaques will be awarded for the model, photograph, train and craft item that receives the most votes in its respective category.
Ingenuity and Levity Contest
The Contest Chairman will make one award each for ingenuity and levity incorporated in any entry in any of the above contest categories. These awards will be made at the discretion of the Chairman.
Showcase, Display Only
This is a non-competitive event for models, modules, photos, and arts & crafts. Entries may be complete or in process. Entries may be submitted in the following categories:
- Models – These include all models as designated by the categories of the judged model contest. However, other model and layout-oriented items may be permitted, such as mechanisms, control panels, etc. at the discretion of the contest chairmen.
- Photos
- Train
- Arts & Crafts
Entrants shall be given Certificates of Appreciation