Contact Us

ChairBruce Morden[email protected]
Vice ChairWalter Mizuno[email protected]
RegistrarDenni Baumer[email protected]
ClinicsDoug Wagner[email protected]
Layout ToursBob Chaparro[email protected]
Op SessionsBruce Morden[email protected]
ContestPaul Deis[email protected]
ExcursionsBruce Morden[email protected]
Volunteer CoordinatorWalter Mizuno[email protected]
Head HoboPaul Deis[email protected]
Virtual ConventionJohn Abatecola[email protected]
Vendors and SwapDoug Wagner[email protected]
Hospitality roomDenni Baumer[email protected]
TreasurerDenni Baumer[email protected]
PublicityCydney George-Abatecola[email protected]
Door prizes[email protected]
Food and BeverageDenni Baumer[email protected]
TimetableDenni Baumer[email protected]
Property ManagerWalter Mizuno[email protected]
A/V CoordinatorRick Anderson[email protected]
WebsiteMichael Eldridge[email protected]

Register for the Convention

Registration is now open for the 2025 PCR Convention. Click on the button to register.